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point because the RBBS_NOGRIPPER style means that the user can t move the band to a new location by dragging it with the gripper control. We want the menu to stay at the top of the screen, so we explicitly eliminate the gripper, which is a default without this style. We also specify the RBBS_BREAK, which means the band begins on a new line. (Of course, the 0th band always begins on a new line.) To make sure the 0th band occupies the full screen width, the band following it must have the RBBS_BREAK style as well. Next, we prepare to initialize the structures for the bands that contain the controls. This is where we get an initial glimpse of the effect of variability in Windows CE device sizes. Obviously, the bigger devices can legibly display more bands in a single row of screen real estate that the smaller devices. We choose the number of bands per row based on runtime information about the platform type of the host.

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HTML and HTTP were both invented by Tim Berners-Lee, who was then working as a computer and networking specialist at a Swiss research institute. He wanted to give the Institute s researchers a simple markup language, which would enable them to share their research papers via the Internet. Berners-Lee based HTML on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an international standard for marking up text for presentation on a variety of physical devices. The basic idea of SGML is that the document s structure should be separated from its presentation: Structure refers to the various components or parts of a document that authors create, such as titles, paragraphs, headings, and lists. For example, you re reading an item in an unordered list, as it is termed in SGML (most people use the more familiar bulleted list). In SGML, you mark up this item as a bulleted list, but you don t say anything about how it s supposed to look. That s left up to whatever device displays or prints the marked-up le. Presentation refers to the way these various components are actually displayed by a given media device, such as a computer or a printer. For example, this

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Because of the physical nature of the United States, as described earlier, it was relatively easy to develop this country. And because that in and of itself created opportunities, it lent itself to an immigration of very intelligent, inventive, and creative people. They were attracted by this wonderful, fertile environment. And once they got here, they began to innovate, which only caused the advantages and opportunities to increase. It s what would happen in the NFL if the best team got to pick rst in the draft. Imagine what kind of a team they d build in a very short time! I want to give credit to my good friend Harry Dent for this next line of thinking, and I m compelled to include it because it really helps de ne the makeup of the generations of people who carry this country ever forward. Harry called one of them the Bob Hope generation, and it had a particular role to play. You see, the generation

Each factor in the product is of the form (1.30). Thus there is a factor (1 - p) every time Ri agrees with Si ,and a factor p every time Ri differs from Si . To represent this, we introduce the Hamming distance. Definition 1.1 The Hamming distance between a sequence x = 1x1, x2, . . .,x , ] and a sequence y = [y1 , y2, . . . , y n ] is the number of positions that the corresponding elements differ:

For better or for worse, projects managers are not going to encounter many perfect staff members like Charles. We live in an imperfect world; rather than rue its imperfections, let us recognize that our time is better spent trying to determine how to use the imperfect resources we have as effectively as possible. Most project managers focus their efforts on identifying ways to get their staff to work harder. They rack their brains devising carrots to motivate people and sticks to prod them on. If they could, they would measure the number of calories people expend on the job the more calories burned, the better, because calories burned mean hard work. Such efforts are largely misdirected. For one thing, if project staff do not have a strong commitment to a project, carrots and sticks will not be very effective in getting them to work harder. For another, staff typically are not fully productive on projects, so the issue is not how

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