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Assume you have a method A that calls another method B, which in turn calls method C, which calls method D, which then calls method E Method E is deep in your code, and methods B and A are higher up If you anticipate that method E might throw an exception, you should create a try/catch block deep in your code to catch that exception as close as possible to the place where the problem arises but only if there s sensible action to take at the level of method E Many programmers will put an exception handler at the top of their program (or at the top of each module) to handle unanticipated exceptions that would otherwise slip by and trigger the built-in exception handler This at least allows your program to fail gracefully (and for some programs, to log an error, or notify someone by email).

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You need to change your code like this: string src = @"C:\test1.pdf"; string dest = @"C:\Test2.pdf"; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader (src); ...
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function that had the crash For example, in Listing 12-1, the first function address greater than the 0x03901038 crash address is 0x03901023, so the function that crashed is MapDLLHappyFunc@@YAPADPAD@Z Any function name that starts with a question mark is a C++ decorated name You're probably wondering why I didn't mention the C++ name decoration when I talked about the calling convention name decoration in 6 Although both serve similar purposes, they come from different places The calling convention name decoration simply tells the code generator how to generate the parameter pushes and stack cleanup, and it comes from the operating system definitions C++ name decoration comes as a result of the language Since you can have overloaded methods, the compiler has to have some way to differentiate them It "decorates" the name with the return type, calling convention, and parameter information.

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You need to change your code like this: string src = @"C:\test1.pdf"; string dest = @"C:\Test2.pdf"; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader (src); ...
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Password protecting a PDF file - Stack Overflow
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PDFSharp should be able to protect a PDF file with a password : // Open an existing document. Providing an unrequired password is ignored. PdfDocument ...
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It often turns out that these last chance exception handlers in early versions of the application lead to the addition of one or two more specific exception handlers in future versions..

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How To Set And Remove PDF Document Security In C# - C# Corner
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28 Apr 2017 ... We can add two kinds of passwords to protect PDF documents, i.e. we ... // Create a PDF document; PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(); ...

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If anyone knows plz let me know ASAP. ... I think u can use ASP.NET Membership, you can then place the UNprotected pdf files in a separate folder and deny the anonymous access to that folder... ... PdfDocumentSecurity security = new PdfDocumeentSecurity("1234"); //Load the PDF file with ...

Before I jump into using SWS, I need to pause for a reality check. First, SWS isn't a magic elixir. If you have terrible performance before running SWS, you'll have terrible performance after running SWS. Second, tuning your working set should be the final performance tweak you perform after you've perfected your algorithms and taken care of any incidental performance bugs you find. Finally, you should be concerned about running SWS only towards the end of the development cycle. You need the code changes to be on a rapidly decreasing curve to ensure you get the benefits of SWS. Sometimes you might not need to run SWS. If you have a small application whose total compiled size for all binaries is less than 2 to 3 MB, you might not see any working set reduction at all. The maximum benefit is achieved when you tune the working set on larger applications because the more pages you have, the more room there is for improvement. Common Debugging Question: Can I check a process for a resource leak on a production server without installing any programs Although you can always use PerfMon to perform a quick check, nothing is better than the amazing Task Manager. In the Processes tab, you're allowed to add a column that reports various performance monitor statistics. Since resources are handle-based, you'll need to monitor the handle count for the process. Activate the Processes tab, choose Select Columns from the View menu, and in the Select Columns dialog box, check Handle Count. If you need to watch GDI objects, check GDI Objects as well. Figure 19-3 shows both columns added to Task Manager, sorted by handles.

defines the data structure members (in this case, Name and Members) used later in the method by the foreach loop to set up the groups:

That way it will know exactly what function you meant to call To translate the name, pass it as a command-line parameter to the program UNDNAMEEXE, which is included with Visual Studio NET In the example, MapDLLHappyFunc@@YAPADPAD@Z translates into char * __cdecl MapDLLHappyFunc(char *) You probably could have figured out that MapDLLHappyFunc was the function name just by looking at the decorated name Other C++ decorated names are harder to decipher, especially when overloaded functions are used To find the line number, you get to do a little hexadecimal subtraction by using the following formula: (crash address) (preferred load address) 0x1000 Remember that the addresses are offsets from the beginning of the first code section, so the formula does that conversion You can probably guess why you subtract the preferred load address, but you earn extra credit if you know why you still have to subtract 0x1000.

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How to open secured PDF file in C# , VB.NET | WinForms - PDF
10 Aug 2018 ... An online sample link to encrypt the PDF document.

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C# PDF Password Library: add, remove, edit PDF file password in ...
NET PDF SDK - Apply PDF Password with Access Permission Using C# .NET ... Able to create a password protected PDF contains file permission limitation.

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