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Business intelligence reports, charts, scorecards, and dashboards can be constructed from almost any kind of data from mainframe COBOL files to PC server-based Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server sources However, it makes sense to bring this back-end data into a single business intelligence server where it can be cleansed and formatted, and multidimensional cubes can be designed with easy-to-understand ways to slice the data In the Microsoft context this business intelligence server is a dedicated SQL Server 2005 where you can accomplish the ETL cleansing and OLAP cubing, and where you can place real-time data marts that support the OLAP cubes And finally, Visio continues to surprise us with an expanding capability to connect to data and display the results in unique ways Most people are familiar with the concept of organizational charts that show the hierarchical layout of people and teams, and this carries over into a Visio display of hierarchical data from OLAP multidimensional cubes, as you ll see in this chapter pdf to word converter code in vb.net Tutorials - How to convert PDF to Word in VB.NET
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